The Blackview BV9000Pro-F Android device with a build fingerprint of Blackview/BV9000Pro-F/BV9000Pro-F:7.1.1/N4F26M/1514363110:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed app with a package name of com.mediatek.factorymode app (versionCode=1, versionName=1) that allows unauthorized wireless settings modification via a confused deputy attack. This capability can be accessed by any app co-located on the device.
The Blackview BV7000_Pro Android device with a build fingerprint of Blackview/BV7000_Pro/BV7000_Pro:7.0/NRD90M/1493011204:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed app with a package name of com.mediatek.factorymode app (versionCode=1, versionName=1) that allows unauthorized wireless settings modification via a confused deputy attack. This capability can be accessed by any app co-located on the device.