Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Pluck 4.5.2, when register_globals is enabled, allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) lang_footer parameter to (a) data/inc/footer.php; the (2) pluck_version, (3) lang_install22, (4) titelkop, (5) lang_kop1, (6) lang_kop2, (7) lang_modules, (8) lang_kop4, (9) lang_kop15, (10) lang_kop5, and (11) titelkop parameters to (b) data/inc/header.php; the pluck_version and titelkop parameters to (c) data/inc/header2.php; and the (14) lang_theme6 parameter to (d) data/inc/themeinstall.php.