
Jackalope Doctrine-DBAL is an implementation of the PHP Content Repository API (PHPCR) using a relational database to persist data. In affected versions users can provoke SQL injections if they can specify a node name or query. Upgrade to version 1.7.4 to resolve this issue. If that is not possible, you can escape all places where `$property` is used to filter `sv:name` in the class `JackalopeTransportDoctrineDBALQueryQOMWalker`: `XPath::escape($property)`. Node names and xpaths can contain `"` or `;` according to the JCR specification. The jackalope component that translates the query object model into doctrine dbal queries does not properly escape the names and paths, so that a accordingly crafted node name can lead to an SQL injection. If queries are never done from user input, or if you validate the user input to not contain `;`, you are not affected.

Configuration 1



Published : 2021-12-13 08:15

Updated : 2021-12-17 07:00

NVD link : CVE-2021-43822

Mitre link : CVE-2021-43822

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