Open-AudIT before 2.2 has CSV Injection.
CSV Injection (aka Excel Macro Injection or Formula Injection) exists in the export feature in the Acyba AcySMS extension before 3.5.1 for Joomla! via a value that is mishandled in a CSV export.
CSV Injection (aka Excel Macro Injection or Formula Injection) exists in the export feature in the Acyba AcyMailing extension before 5.9.6 for Joomla! via a value that is mishandled in a CSV export.
CSV Injection vulnerability in ExportToCsvUtf8.php of the Contact Form 7 to Database Extension plugin 2.10.32 for WordPress allows remote attackers to inject spreadsheet formulas into CSV files via the contact form.
Mautic before 2.13.0 allows CSV injection.
Tiki 17.1 does not validate user input for special characters; consequently, a CSV Injection attack can open a CMD.EXE or Calculator window on the victim machine to perform malicious activity, as demonstrated by an “=cmd|’ /C calc’!A0” payload during User Creation.