The mintToken function of a smart contract implementation for MoneyTree (TREE), an Ethereum token, has an integer overflow that allows the owner of the contract to set the balance of an arbitrary user to any value.
The mintToken function of a smart contract implementation for JaxBox, an Ethereum token, has an integer overflow that allows the owner of the contract to set the balance of an arbitrary user to any value.
The mintToken function of a smart contract implementation for COSMOTokenERC20, an Ethereum token, has an integer overflow that allows the owner of the contract to set the balance of an arbitrary user to any value.
The mintToken function of a smart contract implementation for Trabet_Coin, an Ethereum token, has an integer overflow that allows the owner of the contract to set the balance of an arbitrary user to any value.
The mintToken function of a smart contract implementation for rhovit, an Ethereum token, has an integer overflow that allows the owner of the contract to set the balance of an arbitrary user to any value.
The mintToken function of a smart contract implementation for UTCT, an Ethereum token, has an integer overflow that allows the owner of the contract to set the balance of an arbitrary user to any value.