The sell function of a smart contract implementation for ProvidenceCasino (PVE), an Ethereum token, has an integer overflow in which “amount * sellPrice” can be zero, consequently reducing a seller’s assets.
The sell function of a smart contract implementation for PornCoin (PRNC), an Ethereum token, has an integer overflow in which “amount * sellPrice” can be zero, consequently reducing a seller’s assets.
The sell function of a smart contract implementation for MoneyTree (TREE), an Ethereum token, has an integer overflow in which “amount * sellPrice” can be zero, consequently reducing a seller’s assets.
** DISPUTED ** The transfer and transferFrom functions of a smart contract implementation for Easy Trading Token (ETT), an Ethereum token, have an integer overflow. NOTE: this has been disputed by a third party.
MoxyOnePresale is a smart contract running on Ethereum. The mint function has an integer overflow that allows minted tokens to be arbitrarily retrieved by the contract owner.
SP8DE PreSale Token (DSPX) is a smart contract running on Ethereum. The mint function has an integer overflow that allows minted tokens to be arbitrarily retrieved by the contract owner.