/var/WEB-GUI/cgi-bin/downloadfile.cgi on FiberHome HG2201T 1.00.M5007_JS_201804 devices allows pre-authentication Directory Traversal for reading arbitrary files.
www/getfile.php in WPO WebPageTest 19.04 on Windows allows Directory Traversal (for reading arbitrary files) because of an unanchored regular expression, as demonstrated by the a.jpg.. substring.
Koji through 1.18.0 allows remote Directory Traversal, with resultant Privilege Escalation.
emlog through 6.0.0beta allows remote authenticated users to delete arbitrary files via admin/template.php?action=del&tpl=../ directory traversal.
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file appxml_cdrxml_cdr_delete.php uses an unsanitized “rec” variable coming from the URL, which is base64 decoded and allows deletion of any file of the system.
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file resourcesdownload.php uses an unsanitized “f” variable coming from the URL, which takes any pathname and allows a download of it. (resourcessecure_download.php is also affected.)