Karamasoft UltimateEditor 1 does not ensure that an uploaded file is an image or document (neither file types nor extensions are restricted). The attacker must use the Attach icon to perform an upload. An uploaded file is accessible under the UltimateEditorInclude/UserFiles/ URI.
In PHP-Fusion 9.03.00, edit_profile.php allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code because includes/dynamics/includes/form_fileinput.php and includes/classes/PHPFusion/Installer/Lib/Core.settings.inc mishandle executable files during avatar upload.
SimplyBook.me through 2019-05-11 does not properly restrict File Upload which could allow remote code execution.
The WooCommerce Checkout Manager plugin before 4.3 for WordPress allows media deletion via the wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=update_attachment_wccm wccm_default_keys_load parameter because of a nopriv_ registration and a lack of capabilities checks.
Unrestricted file upload vulnerability in Micro Focus ArcSight Logger, version 6.7.0 and later. This vulnerability could allow Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous type.
/fileman/php/upload.php in doorGets 7.0 has an arbitrary file upload vulnerability. A remote normal registered user can use this vulnerability to upload backdoor files to control the server.