When computing a shared secret or point multiplication on the NIST P-256 curve that results in an X coordinate of zero, the resulting output is not properly reduced modulo the P-256 field prime and is invalid. The resulting output may cause an error when used in other operations. This may be leveraged by an attacker to cause an error scenario or incorrect choice of session key in applications which use the library, resulting in a limited denial of service for an individual user. The scope of impact cannot extend to other components.
When compressing or decompressing elliptic curve points using the Sweet B library, an incorrect choice of sign bit is used. An attacker with user level privileges and no other user’s assistance can exploit this vulnerability with only knowledge of the public key and the library. The resulting output may cause an error when used in other operations; for instance, verification of a valid signature under a decompressed public key may fail. This may be leveraged by an attacker to cause an error scenario in applications which use the library, resulting in a limited denial of service for an individual user. The scope of impact cannot extend to other components.
All versions of package fast-string-search are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) when computations are incorrect for non-string inputs. One can cause the V8 to attempt reading from non-permitted locations and cause a segmentation fault due to the violation.