In TensorFlow Lite before versions 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, models using segment sum can trigger writes outside of bounds of heap allocated buffers by inserting negative elements in the segment ids tensor. Users having access to `segment_ids_data` can alter `output_index` and then write to outside of `output_data` buffer. This might result in a segmentation fault but it can also be used to further corrupt the memory and can be chained with other vulnerabilities to create more advanced exploits. The issue is patched in commit 204945b19e44b57906c9344c0d00120eeeae178a and is released in TensorFlow versions 2.2.1, or 2.3.1. A potential workaround would be to add a custom `Verifier` to the model loading code to ensure that the segment ids are all positive, although this only handles the case when the segment ids are stored statically in the model. A similar validation could be done if the segment ids are generated at runtime between inference steps. If the segment ids are generated as outputs of a tensor during inference steps, then there are no possible workaround and users are advised to upgrade to patched code.
In TensorFlow Lite before versions 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, models using segment sum can trigger a write out bounds / segmentation fault if the segment ids are not sorted. Code assumes that the segment ids are in increasing order, using the last element of the tensor holding them to determine the dimensionality of output tensor. This results in allocating insufficient memory for the output tensor and in a write outside the bounds of the output array. This usually results in a segmentation fault, but depending on runtime conditions it can provide for a write gadget to be used in future memory corruption-based exploits. The issue is patched in commit 204945b19e44b57906c9344c0d00120eeeae178a and is released in TensorFlow versions 2.2.1, or 2.3.1. A potential workaround would be to add a custom `Verifier` to the model loading code to ensure that the segment ids are sorted, although this only handles the case when the segment ids are stored statically in the model. A similar validation could be done if the segment ids are generated at runtime between inference steps. If the segment ids are generated as outputs of a tensor during inference steps, then there are no possible workaround and users are advised to upgrade to patched code.
In Tensorflow before versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, the implementation of `SparseFillEmptyRowsGrad` uses a double indexing pattern. It is possible for `reverse_index_map(i)` to be an index outside of bounds of `grad_values`, thus resulting in a heap buffer overflow. The issue is patched in commit 390611e0d45c5793c7066110af37c8514e6a6c54, and is released in TensorFlow versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1, or 2.3.1.
In Tensorflow before version 2.3.1, the `RaggedCountSparseOutput` implementation does not validate that the input arguments form a valid ragged tensor. In particular, there is no validation that the values in the `splits` tensor generate a valid partitioning of the `values` tensor. Thus, the code sets up conditions to cause a heap buffer overflow. A `BatchedMap` is equivalent to a vector where each element is a hashmap. However, if the first element of `splits_values` is not 0, `batch_idx` will never be 1, hence there will be no hashmap at index 0 in `per_batch_counts`. Trying to access that in the user code results in a segmentation fault. The issue is patched in commit 3cbb917b4714766030b28eba9fb41bb97ce9ee02 and is released in TensorFlow version 2.3.1.
In Tensorflow before version 2.3.1, the `RaggedCountSparseOutput` implementation does not validate that the input arguments form a valid ragged tensor. In particular, there is no validation that the values in the `splits` tensor generate a valid partitioning of the `values` tensor. Hence, the code is prone to heap buffer overflow. If `split_values` does not end with a value at least `num_values` then the `while` loop condition will trigger a read outside of the bounds of `split_values` once `batch_idx` grows too large. The issue is patched in commit 3cbb917b4714766030b28eba9fb41bb97ce9ee02 and is released in TensorFlow version 2.3.1.
In Tensorflow before versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, the `data_splits` argument of `tf.raw_ops.StringNGrams` lacks validation. This allows a user to pass values that can cause heap overflow errors and even leak contents of memory In the linked code snippet, all the binary strings after `ee ff` are contents from the memory stack. Since these can contain return addresses, this data leak can be used to defeat ASLR. The issue is patched in commit 0462de5b544ed4731aa2fb23946ac22c01856b80, and is released in TensorFlow versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1, or 2.3.1.