A lack of capability checks and insufficient nonce check on the AJAX action in the Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks WordPress plugin before 2.0.4, made it possible for authenticated users to install arbitrary plugins on vulnerable sites.
In the Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks WordPress plugin before 2.0.4, the lack of capability checks and insufficient nonce check on the AJAX actions, simple301redirects/admin/get_wildcard and simple301redirects/admin/wildcard, made it possible for authenticated users to retrieve and update the wildcard value for redirects.
In the Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks WordPress plugin before 2.0.4, a lack of capability checks and insufficient nonce check on the AJAX action, simple301redirects/admin/activate_plugin, made it possible for authenticated users to activate arbitrary plugins installed on vulnerable sites.
Lack of authorisation checks in the Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin, versions before 5.16.5, did not properly restrict access to the export files, allowing unauthenticated users to exports all events data in CSV or XML format for example.
The AJAX action, wp_ajax_ninja_forms_sendwp_remote_install_handler, did not have a capability check on it, nor did it have any nonce protection, therefore making it possible for low-level users, such as subscribers, to install and activate the SendWP Ninja Forms Contact Form – The Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress WordPress plugin before 3.4.34 and retrieve the client_secret key needed to establish the SendWP connection while also installing the SendWP plugin.
In the Ninja Forms Contact Form WordPress plugin before, low-level users, such as subscribers, were able to trigger the action, wp_ajax_nf_oauth, and retrieve the connection url needed to establish a connection. They could also retrieve the client_id for an already established OAuth connection.