smart eVision has inadequate authorization for system information query function. An unauthenticated remote attacker, who is not explicitly authorized to access the information, can access sensitive information.
Smart eVision has insufficient authorization for task acquisition function. An unauthorized remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to acquire the Session IDs of other general users only.
The Car Dealer (Dealership) and Vehicle sales WordPress Plugin WordPress plugin before 3.05 does not have proper authorisation and CSRF in an AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call it and install and activate arbitrary plugins from
The Disable Json API, Login Lockdown, XMLRPC, Pingback, Stop User Enumeration Anti Hacker Scan WordPress plugin before 4.20 does not have proper authorisation and CSRF in an AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call it and install and activate arbitrary plugins from
The WP Tools Increase Maximum Limits, Repair, Server PHP Info, Javascript errors, File Permissions, Transients, Error Log WordPress plugin before 3.43 does not have proper authorisation and CSRF in an AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call it and install and activate arbitrary plugins from
The Memory Usage, Memory Limit, PHP and Server Memory Health Check and Fix Plugin WordPress plugin before 2.46 does not have proper authorisation and CSRF in an AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call it and install and activate arbitrary plugins from