Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in Adult Script 1.6.5 and earlier allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the id parameter to (1) videolink_count.php or (2) links.php.
Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in index.php in zBlog 1.2 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via (1) the categ parameter in a categ action or (2) the article parameter in an articles action.
SQL injection vulnerability in go.php in PHP ZLink 0.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the id parameter.
Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in Ip Reg 0.3 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the vlan_id parameter to (1) vlanview.php, (2) vlanedit.php, and (3) vlandel.php; the (4) assetclassgroup_id parameter to assetclassgroupview.php; the (5) subnet_id parameter to nodelist.php; and unspecified other vectors. NOTE: it was later reported that the vlanview.php and vlandel.php vectors are also in 0.4.
Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in Wallpaper Site 1.0.09 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via (1) the catid parameter to category.php or (2) the groupid parameter to editadgroup.php.
SQL injection vulnerability in admin/ops/findip/ajax/search.php in 1024 CMS 1.3.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the ip parameter.