An SQL Injection vulnerability exists in glorylion JFinalOA as of 9/7/2021 in the defkey parameter getHaveDoneTaskDataList method of the FlowTaskController.
SQL Injection vulnerability exists in Wuzhi CMS 4.1.0 via the keywords parameter under the coreframe/app/promote/admin/index.php file.
SQL Injection vulnerability exists in Wuzhi CMS 4.1.0 via the keywords iparameter under the /coreframe/app/order/admin/card.php file.
An SQL injection vulnerability exists in Wuzhi CMS v4.1.0 via the KeyValue parameter in coreframe/app/order/admin/index.php.
Opensis-Classic Version 8.0 is affected by a SQL injection vulnerability due to a lack of sanitization of input data at two parameters $_GET[‘usrid’] and $_GET[‘prof_id’] in the PasswordCheck.php file.
Authenticated Blind & Error-based SQL injection vulnerability was discovered in Online Enrollment Management System in PHP and PayPal Free Source Code 1.0, that allows attackers to obtain sensitive information and execute arbitrary SQL commands via IDNO parameter.