Panda Global Protection 17.0.1 allows local users to gain privileges or cause a denial of service by impersonating all the pipes through a use of .pipePSANMSrvcPpal — an “insecurely created named pipe.” Ensures full access to Everyone users group.
NVIDIA Windows GPU Display Driver contains a vulnerability in the kernel mode layer handler for DxgkDdiEscape where the software allows an actor access to restricted functionality that is unnecessary to production usage, and which may result in denial of service.
NVIDIA GeForce Experience all versions prior to 3.14.1 contains a potential vulnerability when GameStream is enabled where improper access control may lead to a denial of service, escalation of privileges, or both.
NVIDIA GeForce Experience all versions prior to 3.14.1 contains a potential vulnerability during GameStream installation where an attacker who has system access can potentially conduct a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack to obtain sensitive information.
NVIDIA GeForce Experience contains a vulnerability in all versions prior to 3.16 on Windows in which an attacker who has access to a local user account can plant a malicious dynamic link library (DLL) during application installation, which may lead to escalation of privileges.
NVIDIA GeForce Experience contains a vulnerability in all versions prior to 3.16 during application installation on Windows 7 in elevated privilege mode, where a local user who initiates a browser session may obtain escalation of privileges on the browser.